Posts tagged Anuradhapura
72 - Curiosity Quagmire (Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka)

Dost thou believeth in Fate? I’m a definite “maybe” though my definition is more in line with the Stoic logos "rigidly deterministic single whole" sort of deal. If I hadn’t lost my motorcycle key, Chandana never would’ve come to my aid. Never would’ve met him or Chari. If I hadn’t unintentionally passed the museum, I wouldn’t have encountered my friends again and would’ve missed a wonderful experience (i.e. Mihintale, Ruwanwelisaya by night, and a host of deeper historical and cultural insights). Now that would’ve been a tragedy. Anuradhapura touched me in a way I have trouble describing. It was rare and special. I will treasure it always. It’s why I did what I did (i.e. set out without a plan, sabotaged my “career”, alienated close friends, so on and so forth), and it provided fuel for further exploration…

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71 - Anuradhapura (North Central Province, Sri Lanka)

I’ve heard the “off-putting personal personality theory” before and since. On the road, I can say it was somewhat of a construct. I tried to balance the line between friendly and unapproachable in a doomed effort to attract the cream and discourage the miscreants. Still, I’d be lying if I said this aura didn’t attach in situations where hindrance outweighed benefit. I loathe to admit it, but my unapproachable nature has often put up a social defense shield. And though I was (am) acutely aware of my social shortcomings, something about hearing it from Chari and Chandana hit home. I shudder to think how many interludes I’ve missed along the way on account of my gruff aura. I resolved to substitute less “Grrrrrr” for a little more “Purrrrrr”

Something about standing next to a thousand-year-old ruin…

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