Posts in Malaysia
67 - Not Just Dead… (Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia)

First and foremost, I was hoping to repair the external hard drive I dropped in Bali, or at the very least retrieve the data. Wish in one hand, shit in the other. Six different shops crushed my hopes and dreams in succession. A corrupted drive? Yeah, there’s an app for that. A broken (as in no spinny-spin) hard drive was a horse of a different color… or a unicorn as it were. I required a repair and extract solution. They didn’t have it. Who does have it? Um, forensic data engineers? NASA? The NSA? Google? Bill Gates? One shop owner intimated I might find someone in KL, but it would cost both my legs and one-third of my liver. A bridge too far to recover an iTunes library and some bootleg movies… sigh. The owner of the last shop on my digital trail of tears put it perfectly…

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